Feeling Sick? Regardless of if it is Cold or Flu, Respond like a Holistic BOSS in 6 Moves

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Feeling Low? Tickle in Throat, Achey?
Follow this list by acupuncturist, yoga specialist and all around holistic boss, Anne Adametz, and get all preventative on it.

At the onset of SMALL symptoms:  tickle, achey, fatigue, congestion, sneezing… respond like a BOSS holistic practitioner:

  1. Rest. Sleep. A LOT.  The time to phone in or cancel a night out is when you’re fatigued, a tickle, or just like an old HR BOSS of mine who used to call in to work with general malaise (an actual coding for the diagnosis: unwell).    Think of resting on the onset, like closing all the windows on your immune system processor so it may use all energy to combat the illness at hand.
  2. Thieves Essential Oils Lozenges, are a spicy blend of historically proven essential oils that wipe out viruses before they spread throughout the body. Used to pills that mask symptoms? They can be helpful in treatment, but being a BOSS is getting to the source, that’s where oils shine.
  3. Diffuse essential oils, which are ridiculously effective molecules of plant that have health benefits including mucolytics, which actually break down mucous. Plus your home smells like a spa, and that’s where BOSS’s chill. Here is a list of E.O.’s to have on hand:
  1. Thieves
  2. RC
  3. Ravintsara
  4. Eucalyptus Globulous
  5. Eucalyptus Blue
  6. Frankenscence
  7. Peace & Calming

4.  Epsom Salt Baths: detoxify by drawing out toxins and salt naturally kills bacteria. 1-2 cups to a steamy hot bath, soak 15 minutes, no more, and rinse off with a shower.

5.  Rinse Out Sinuses.  Got congestion?  Who, take a look at how phlegm can sit in sinuses, and how long do you think an oral pill will take to run through the digestive system to get there?

Thousands of years ago, a BOSS realized, net BOTTLE (I like better than the pot) or a rinse of salt water (painless) cleanses the actual cavity with painless salt (saline), and stops sinus infections.  Now, available at any drug store I like the bottle vs. net pot the brand NeilMED, so good. Make sure to use DISTILLED WATER and watch the video. 


6.  Holistic Treatment:  make an executive decision like a BOSS to get a BOOST regularly. Acupuncture & Cupping are tremendous for the immune system, esp. at the change of seasons, monthly and as a preventative.  Yoga moves the lymph throughout the body to help release and restore your natural immunity.

Being the boss of your body, like rocking anything requires a plan.   Holistic treatment can be as easy as tea, being with nourishing friends, and scheduling time alone for rest.

Why not take control of your health with this badass plan the next time you get a tickle.

For more information, contact holistic BOSS, Acupuncturist, Yoga Mentor and all around lover of life Anne Adametz.

Seriously, email me, I’m here for you.



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