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    Welcome to MY summer.  

I’ve deemed this one, the SUMMER OF JOY.  I realized, I have EVERY single thing I have been working hard for and Imma take a pause here, and ENJOY IT. After all, that’s what summer is about, the Chinese say it’s the time of JOY, and in WI, we get exactly 3 months, 2 weeks of joy, so we damn well better take it.  Starving folks don’t turn down a five-course dinner, dig?

   So how do we go from striving, fixing, self-reviewing and forward momentum to PEACE? Darling, it’s a practice, and as my husband tells my son, practice makes perfect. Well, it makes peaceful. So here are my tips for realizing peace in every moment this summer and ENJOYING your life

1. Let go of judgement. Applying GOOD or BAD to any person, place or thing takes a lot of mental justification, energy and irritation. Free yourself from mental slavery of judgement, and allow yourself and everyone else to just be.  Judgement: Ain’t nobody got time for that.

2. Dream: what is your idea of an awesome summer. PLAN THAT, DO IT. This summer I’m going to bluegrass festival, where I plan on wearing flowers in my hairr and a Pink Floyd fringed crop top. That’s right, I said crop top. I intend to smile a lot and wear high waisted shorts.  I plan on being happy, it’s in my visualization and it’s about to come true. I’m also planning it at the END of the summer, so I can PACK the rest of the summer with other dreams (like taking my son to a 70’s style Wisconsin Dells Cabin) and have a rustic vacation, paddle boating, etc.

3. Last and certainly not least, is receive an ALLOWANCE.  Offer yourself and everyone around you a quick reprieve. Allow the freedom to make mistakes without some catastrophic or fear based consequence. If someone around you is toxic, simply remove yourself, rather than try to fix them, do something healthy with yourself and allow them to be in a toxic state. Heck, I’m planning a couple of toxic “states” this summer, and I hope you’ll all forgive me (and maybe enjoy the spectacle).  In short, be quick to release judgement and allow yourself to enjoy.

May this summer be legendary.

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