This spring, I have finally realized that we do not just skip through flowers, expecting to feel light and fresh, like commercials offer. We just went through a freaking VORTEX, the most intense winter in 30 years, a freezing as we cocooned into a cave and barely made it out alive. In honor of that FACT, Let’s not lie to ourselves— most of us are haggard. Merle Haggard, and this spring is going to be a doozy.
It’s time to think like the a Chinese Medicine Practitioner, and a Yoga Therapist: spring is not just a rebirth of the plans around us, it’s a MASSIVE rebirth of old habits, old feelings and karma coming up for a look-see. Did you see what was left when the snow melted? Snickers wrappers, an old straw, who is still using STYROFOAM????
Along with the organic snacks, there’s debris INSIDE of us as well. All the blood that went deep into the body to protect our organs from those 50+ days of below zero, is now coming to the top, bringing with it:
- Old issues—especially ones you thought you resolved…
- Flushing of old toxins (causing a feeling of ‘yuk’)
- Hormonal changes
- (Fatigue from this transition)
On top of this unseen, unheralded transition, we had 2 lunar eclipses and a BLOOD MOON this month, so us crazies are extra crazy with some crazies on the top.
My dad used to say, “Old and the weak pass away during the transitions between fall/winter and Winter and Spring…it’s much more serious than we are taking it.
There is good news. When we become conscious of old stuff, we take away it’s power. There’s a part of you that watches yourself go through this, like, “Really? I thought I was DONE being totally upset with my husband for eating crackers in that unforgivable way, I was all unconditional love and stuff!” Good thing we have a simultaneous plain of awareness part of us that observes us and knows it’s just crackers.
A recent meltdown is likely just an old spring churning, allow it to be, Try what in yoga is called ‘tapas,’ CONSCIOUSLY switching up one’s pattern. Why not FAST from reacting? Just for one week, allow your emotions to arise, observe why, and still acknowledge the option to stop just before you ACT from the emotional place. Old stuff is just resurfacing for one last *GASP* we feed that old karma by reacting, it dissipates when we watch with wonder.
Things to do in Spring rather than relapse into some old pattern:
- Move your body, jump on this momentum of energy purging, detox, twist, do yoga, spring clean yourself, allow.
- Spring clean your surroundings, if you haven’t used it, worn it, or feel amazing around/in it, bag it up and take it to upcycle, or sell it, but do it quickly—stagnation ends up being pain.
- Be the change. Allow yourself those ugly moments, Get comfortable being uncomfortable, some of us learn by making mistakes. When others do the same, recognize it as temporary, mind your own karma, act lovingly, let go, move on.
- Get an acupuncture treatment. Spring is the time of the liver, and the corresponding emotion: ANGER. Out of balance, you are irritable, annoyed and annoying. Give your loved ones a big fat present and go get a treatment, everyone will thank you.
Finally, forgive yourself and others this spring, as we all rebirth ourselves and sift through the cruddy bits, allow your humanity to be, you’ll soon be skipping through the lilacs, fresh and free.
Much love and light!!!!