I’m totally wiped out to take care of myself anymore.
I’ve learned over the years, to call in sick when I first feel unwell, instead of
when I’m a shivering heap.
This past week, my son didn’t feel too well, he didn’t have a fever, but he had a cough, and I kept him home, away from the stress of school, where I could run the aromatherapy diffuser, and give him some TLC. The next day he was back to good, full life-points.
plus some rest, hugs and this:
Restores to this:

My old co-worker an HR Vice President used to call in sick when she felt this fatigue and say she was calling in with “general malaise” which is actually an ICD9 (legitimate illness) health care code:
So when feeling (to be said aloud in a Downton Abbey aristicratic drawl: general malllllaaaaaaise…
DIng Ding DING! THIS is the time to rest, renew relax, let go.
Don’t know where to start? preventatively…
Integrate a weekly yoga class that engages the parasympathetic
nervous system (that’s the repair mode) of your body.
Integrate a weekly yoga class that engages the parasympathetic
nervous system (that’s the repair mode) of your body.

Take a suggestion that’s been #1 for 5,000 years, and get an acupuncture session or a massage,

Watch this video of me giving ROB STARBUCK of Channel 3 some Acupuncture—he turns to a pile of gooey relaxation before your very eyes!
At any rate, who says we have to be totally destroyed to get permission (from who?)
to rest when initial symptoms begin,
Why not, as a sweet gift to your immunity system…call in with general malaise….that’s ICD9 Code 780.7.
Anne Adametz is an acupuncturist, yoga thereapist, aromatherapist, mom and a willing party to your evolution.