It always feels like a neitherworld.. lost between the recent holidaze…the release of this year…shifting into 2014.
So I love to cleanse at this time of the year to make space for new practices. And I don’t mean from a box of diuretics, but a true fast, originally meaning to “fasten oneself to God.” In this case, I like to unfasten myself from crudding up my system, and fasten myself to something lovely instead.
Here are tools and ways to let go of this year, and create space for wellness and abundance:
One practice I like to do is to cleanse the mind with a nightly meditation before bed. Email me for a free meditation on LETTING GO . Meditations before bed enhance relaxation and set you up for 8 hours of being in the right vibration for healing, not to mention giving you a deeply fulfilling sleep.
Prepare for a sugar fast by limiting or letting go of processed foods or choose anything that isn’t good for you and let it go. Donate or toss sugary snacks, trade them for organic oranges, apples, pears and berries. Drinking lots of water and Tart Cherry juice. Incorporate super foods like avocados, green tea, things you enjoy.
Finally, Instead of writing down resolutions, write down how you want to FEEL. Then start doing the next thing that makes you feel that way. For example, traveling to Paris might be a long way off, but why do you want to go there? How would it make you feel? Invigorated, happy? Something new? Try listening to the music of there, meditating on the feeling of being there, feeling the happiness it may bring you. Write, read, eat this food. Creating the feeling is often more important than trying to create the reality outside that may or may not bring it.
May you take time to observe the blessings around you, and may you be a blessing onto others.