An Acupuncturist’s 4 Secrets to Preventing Depression, that actually work.


It’s 2013, and at 39, I’ve learned a thing or 2 of what NOT TO DO when it comes fall/winter.  It’s high time I shared my secrets:
the key here is preventative, or BEFORE you fall into a cold shivering heap in the corner…

Here is a list of the 4 things, as an acupuncturist, mom, wife and busy business owner, I do to get through the winter.

First, UNLEARN something:   Seasonal Affective Disorder is (SAD). S.A.D in Chinese Medicine is called NORMAL because winter is the time of Grief & Fear.  Both emotions are integral and necessary parts of life, grief (like the death of a loved one) ultimately helps us realize the gratitude we held for having these people in our lives, and fear ( a truly important functional process telling us to RUN! or KILL IT!)  Trouble arises when we either don’t deal, or overindulge in the emotion. 

Brass Tacks: 

Grief out of balance: can’t stop crying, don’t know why.

Fear out of balance: afraid, but there’s nothing to run from, or kill.

BONUS:  best thing about Chinese medicine? They don’t CARE why or how long you obsess over that ex-boyfriend, or why you’re afraid of what Joanie at the office thinks of you….


Your excessive emotional state is simply:
“Imbalance that must be brought back to balance.”

I have compiled for you what I AM DOING to do EVERYTHING I can to make this a beautiful, love-filled and purposeful end of the year. We have SO MUCH POWER, here’s what to do with it.
1st:  Address the MIND, set it’s daily navigation to something calm and beautiful.

The way to balance Grief is with GRATITUDE. 

Here’s a FREE 21 Day Mediation so you can keep up daily, that should getchya through Thanksgiving…
2ND  We needent suffer, there are POWERFUL natural solutions.
Essential Oils have, help me with MY OWN SEASONAL DEPRESSION. way to supplement fall of course, I am not alone, these oils enhance meditation, relieve pain, and it has been that way for a millenia….Hell, email me and I’ll send you my initial foundations training for free.
  • MY PERSONAL Oils Order for Fall: ORDER 

    Here are the oils I suggest for winter when all the smells disappear in the frost, opening these earthy smells are like unleashing our connection to mother earth.  

  •  Everynight, my husband, an engineer, sets up his beloved HOME diffuser with some concoction he smelled up
  • Frankenscence or Myrrh or both:
    (Meditation enhancing, gift to the christchild for christsake) if it’s good enough for Jesus…
  • Cedarwood: hormone balancing
  • Peace and calming: super for neck and shoulder pain as well, sleep inducing, children before bedtime…
  • RC: blend of Eucalyptuses immediately may open nasal passages, a MUST for colds
  • Thieves: preventative of illness
  • Peppermint: any stomach issues or inflammation pain
  • Sacred Mountain: a blend of firs that regulate hormones and calm senses.

You’ll be set for the winter.

3rd: Get Acupuncture from an excellent practitioner.
I Get several preventative treatments to navigate the seasonal changes.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions at all, I am here to serve.
If you are suffering, please, schedule an appointment today.

teas, soups stews, and avoid excessive stimulants and depressants. Suffering from allergies? avoid Dairy during damp days.  Help your internal thermostat conserve energy by adding warm, cooked not cold, raw foods.
In balance, we feel good.
Out of balance, we get natural symptoms telling us to take care of ourselves.  Listen to your symptoms with love and kindness.
I am wishing you a beautiful and calm winter. 


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