It’s 2013, and at 39, I’ve learned a thing or 2 of what NOT TO DO when it comes fall/winter. It’s high time I shared my secrets:
the key here is preventative, or BEFORE you fall into a cold shivering heap in the corner…
Here is a list of the 4 things, as an acupuncturist, mom, wife and busy business owner, I do to get through the winter.
First, UNLEARN something: Seasonal Affective Disorder is (SAD). S.A.D in Chinese Medicine is called NORMAL because winter is the time of Grief & Fear. Both emotions are integral and necessary parts of life, grief (like the death of a loved one) ultimately helps us realize the gratitude we held for having these people in our lives, and fear ( a truly important functional process telling us to RUN! or KILL IT!) Trouble arises when we either don’t deal, or overindulge in the emotion.
Brass Tacks:
Grief out of balance: can’t stop crying, don’t know why.
Fear out of balance: afraid, but there’s nothing to run from, or kill.
BONUS: best thing about Chinese medicine? They don’t CARE why or how long you obsess over that ex-boyfriend, or why you’re afraid of what Joanie at the office thinks of you….
Your excessive emotional state is simply:
“Imbalance that must be brought back to balance.”

The way to balance Grief is with GRATITUDE.

- MY PERSONAL Oils Order for Fall: ORDER Here are the oils I suggest for winter when all the smells disappear in the frost, opening these earthy smells are like unleashing our connection to mother earth.
- Everynight, my husband, an engineer, sets up his beloved HOME diffuser with some concoction he smelled up
- Frankenscence or Myrrh or both:
(Meditation enhancing, gift to the christchild for christsake) if it’s good enough for Jesus… - Cedarwood: hormone balancing
- Peace and calming: super for neck and shoulder pain as well, sleep inducing, children before bedtime…
- RC: blend of Eucalyptuses immediately may open nasal passages, a MUST for colds
- Thieves: preventative of illness
- Peppermint: any stomach issues or inflammation pain
- Sacred Mountain: a blend of firs that regulate hormones and calm senses.
You’ll be set for the winter.

In balance, we feel good.